Camp Near Dalton Ga

Jan 27th 186(4)

Dear Wife I Seat myself to Drop you a fiew lines which will Inform you that my health is reasinably good hoping these lines may soon come to hand & find you all enjoying the Same blessing I Received you Cinde letter writ January 12th which I was glad to here that you was all well & doing as well as What you was though I wa Sorry to here of William Bibbs defeat I hope he may recover Soon I have nothing Strange no(r) of Interust to write at this time the health of my Company is good I had bade luck with my Clothing I washed all my Clothing but what I had on & hung them out to dry & neglected taking them in at nite & next morning When I got up and looked for them they was gone Some Roge Stolen them in the nite I lost the Shirte you made me while I was at home & I lost the cotton pants & one pair of drawers I Recd the Socks you Sent mee Samuel Doget was Court Marshaled & Shot last friday he belong to our Company he is the first man that has ben put to death in that way that belongs to our Regiment though thier is Several moore of our Company that If they was brought back here their is no doubt but they would get the Same punishment we are farring tolerble well at thi(s) time we get plenty of bread rations & 3 quarters of a pound of beef & Severel other little nourishments Sutch as Rise & Suger Sometime & onse & a while we get a little hog meet though It is Seldome their is a considerble excitement amoung the Soldiers a bout Reinlisting their has ben Some fiew Reinlisted though they are but fiew as yet I think thier wil be a grate many that will Reinlist for the ware So it Is gitting late & I have nothing Worthy your attinon I will Close for the preasant Write & give all the newse So nothing more at preasant only

I Remain your affectionate husband until death

Ambrose Doss to Sarah Doss

this letter was written in a hurra though I hope you can Read it

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